
08 November 2012

Si Ma'am at Sir, ONLINE!

In previous years I have observed that most of the oldies were hesitant to the extent of completely disregarding to accept technology. Sometimes we would hear their remarks, 'kayo na lang mag-aral nyan, matanda na kami.' But that is not the case today. You would have probably observed some old people with their eyeglasses and holding cellular phone, texting. Computer shops are not already dominated by youngster, but also some old people surfing the net, chatting, and even updating their status in some social networking sites. You would have probably encountered some techie oldies with ipad, ipod, iphone, or laptop somewhere.

Whether we like it or like, as others say, SOCIAL MEDIA has a great role in today's classroom. From the traditional way, our learning environment has already shifted to another level. 

Here's an interesting statistics from about what I'm saying...

Courtesy of: 
Lynch, Loreal. (27 April 2011). How college professors use

27 August 2012

SIM 101: Guide in Reviewing Intervention Materials

by: J. Policarpio

As to the standards of developing Strategic Intervention Materials, there were different but closely related  criteria set every year. I have here two of the criteria that were previously used by DepEd in evaluating submitted SIMs.

The given criteria below were the standard criteria issued by the Department of Education in 2012. This is based DepEd Memorandum No. 225 , s. 2009, Enclosure No. 2.

1.   Subtasking
·   Competency-based
·   Bloom’s Taxonomy followed
·   SMAR-C
2.   Congruence
·  Activities in-line with content and skills
·  Assessment in-line with content and skills
3.   Usability/Functionality
·   Language
·   Title Card
·   Guide Card
·   Activity Card
·   Assessment Card
·   Enrichment Card
·   Reference Card
·   Answer Card
·   Packaging
4.   Replicability
·   Validated before classroom use
·   Dev. Mat. Based on least mastered skills LC
·   Mat. Used improved mastery level
·   Handy and easy to copy
·   Cost

The given descriptions of each part/card below were the standard criteria issued by the Department of Education, Bureau of Secondary Education in 2005. This is based on Psychological principles that create an impact on learning, from “How Children Learn” by Estella Vosniado.

1.  Gives a preview of what students will learn
2.  Stimulates interest in the topic
3.  Presents the focus skills
a.   Mentions the learning competency (LC)
b.   States at least 3 sub-tasks (activities)
c.   Builds on prior learning/ prerequisite skills
d.   Mentions the concrete outcome or product students are expected to demonstrate/ produce 
4.  Cites briefly the activities
5.  Challenges the learner in performing the tasks 
6.  Translates the focus skills into at least 3 activities




7.  Provides activities that:
a.   are organized based on the sequence of the focus skills (in the Guide Card).
b.   have clear directions.
c.   provide examples to concretize the concepts, particularly those drawn from real-life experience.
d.   students can complete independently, in pairs, or in small groups.
e.   allow students to make discoveries and formulate ideas on their own.
f.    guides and challenges students’ thinking and learning.
g.   uses local data and situations (e.g., interacting with people in the community)
8.   Provides transition statements that recognize students’ accomplishments



9.  Provides questions that:
a. guide the development of concepts/focus skill.
b. elicit the message or meaning that a student can take away from an activity/ experience.
c. elicit an explanation, not one-word answers.
d. establish the relationship between the topic/lesson and what students already know or are familiar to them.
e. develop the skills in the three domains.


10.  Provides exercises, drills or activities that allow students to:
a.   assess their understanding of what they have learned and correct errors when appropriate.
b.   monitor their learning and use feedback about their progress.
11.  Formulated in standard test formats to give students practice in test-taking techniques
12.  Gives clear directions
13.  Provides an Answer Key
14.  Provides activities that reinforce the content of the lesson

15.  Provides opportunities for students to:
a. apply what they have learned to other subject areas or in new contexts.
b. work independently or in groups to explore answers to their own questions.
16.  Provides readings that relate content with students’ life experiences
17.  Provides a carefully researched list of resources that
a.   will reinforce concepts/ skills learned.
b.   provide additional content not found in the textbook.
c.   students may refer to for further reading.

Here are some LINKS to my post about Strategic Intervention Materials:
SIM 101: The Basic of Developing Strategic Intervention Materials for Classroom Use [Discussion about the basic details of SIM]

Strategic Intervention Materials (SIM): A Closer Look [Some important pointers to remember for SIMs intended for competition]

SAMPLE Strategic Intervention Material (SIM) in Physics [Sample SIM in Physics about Properties of Different Types of Radiation]

DepEd New Criteria for Science Intervention Materials (Enclosure No. 2 to DepEd Memorandum No. 225 , s. 2009)
*Psychological principles that create an impact on learning, from "How Children Learn" by Estella Vosniado, International Academy of Education, International Bureau of Education

15 August 2012

Edmodo Student's Guide

A. For first time users, visit
Click "I'm a Student"

Fill in the required information like First Name, Last Name, Group Code, User Name, Email (optional), and Password

The click, "Sign Up for Free"

You will be directed to your class group.
eight.2 Class Group
 Check if there's an assigned task or quiz. 

If there's a quiz, be sure you are ready to answer the quiz before clicking "Take Quiz"

After answering the first question click the second item and so on...

After answering the last item, click "Submit Quiz"

  A dialogue box will appear asking, "Are you sure you want to end this quiz?"

Click, "Submit."
You can now click, "View Results"

Your total points will be shown as well as how you perform in the test per item.

You can review your answer per item.

Click on the item that you answered wrong and the correct answer will also be shown.

B. For those who already have an account at edmodo, visit
 Click "Login"

 Enter your Username and Password

Then click, "Login"

 To join a group, click "Join a Group"

Then enter the Group Code that was given by your teacher.

Edmodo. (

16 May 2012

Improvised Teaching Materials for Science

Improvised Teaching Materials for Physics

Other Improvised Teaching Materials for Science

The Source

*Re-post from my old blog site.

11 May 2012

Looking Back: 8 years ago...

2004 Summer Enrichment Program for Physics Majors p1/4

2004 Summer Enrichment Program for Physics Majors p3/4

01 May 2012


You came unexpectedly
In a midst of simplicity
My senses were deceived
And failed to recognize your beauty
As time goes by…
We’re working as a team
Your talents were illuminated
By glaring smile and tenderness

Yes, I’m here
            I’m not blind
            I’m not deaf
            I’m not wooden
                        To appreciate your presence

Then my eyes were opened
And my inner being started to care
Every now and then I long for
Enough to capture my focus

But time was quite jealous
For it came for me to leave
My heart was extremely protesting
And tried to move against

Then I’ve come to realize
That you have your own run
And told me that you love
Someone other than me

It was difficult for me
To change the course I was trudging
Sleepless nights, worried days
Setting the course for me to move

How I wish
            I was blind
How I wish
            I was deaf
How I wish
            I was wooden
Insensitive enough to be deceived

Thank you for the friendship
Sorry for being not a good one.

08.18 06.10.2005

Re-post from my old blog site

25 April 2012

summer trip!

while others are enjoying their summer vacation...  here i am again!

Courtesy of Delighted Hearts

26 March 2012

Graduation Message [from a non-Politician]


I considered myself destined to be part of your learning - whether you like it or not BUT I want it to put into record that I'm happy about it. I may not be included in your list of best teachers whom you won't be able to forget in your entire life but you already occupied one portion in my heart. I may not be able to recall you names in the future, but please give me the honor to claim you as my students.

You may not be able to recall all the formulas we've discussed but don't forget to apply these concepts in your lives.
  • When you already own a motorcycle don't forget to wear your helmet & use the motorcycle lane when driving.
  • When you already have a car don't forget to wear/fasten your seat belt while on the road.
  • If you happen to become a jeepney driver/operator don't collect more than what is due.
  • When you happen to join rallies against nuclear energy be sure that you know what you're fighting for (and not because of a bag of groceries).
  • When election comes, vote wisely & don't be mislead by their tarpaulin saying they've done a lot even if none was felt.
  • Even if there's no law or principle in physics that states that you have to give your seat to the elderly when you take a bus or train - you still do it.
  • The arrow of time always points to one direction that things done cannot be undone, but our realization & learning makes them meaningful.
  • Even if we already have the most sophisticated measuring device, bear in mind that the things that really make us happy are mostly not measurable. (We do not have a gram of contentment or liters of patience.)
  • You can practice open-mindedness but don't be too open and forget things that makes us Filipinos. You can always add "po" & "opo" to your statements whether it's against the rule of grammar - saying 'Good Morning Po' or 'Thank You Po' don't mean that you're not good in English.
  • Sound waves travel in air so when you're taking a bus or train with your friends don't converse too loudly.
  • Even if you know that sound waves diffract or bend around openings don't be too reckless to eavesdrop on other people's conversation.
  • There is no such thing as frictionless surface - so with our journey here on Earth... there's always hindrances/obstacles that sometimes changes our state of motion. Always maintain your focus just like the concept of a parabolic dish, wherever the signal hits the dish, it will always be reflected to focus.
Our school is somewhat comparable to Big Brother's House. Your teachers are those Big Brother's giving tasks to you. In times of success you will be rewarded, in times of failure you will be given the chance of learning. I'm not saying that Big Brother knows everything, but in general, the safest way to learning is to follow Big Brother's plan. I'm saying this not to suppress your own freedom - but because I know that you also know that Big Brother is more experienced than you are.

Going outside the box (or going outside Big Brother's House) is always an option and I'm not saying that this is not the road to success. Albert Einstein is a high-school dropout, so with Zack Zuckerberg, (the developer of the well-known social networking site -Facebook) was also a college dropout but they were successful in their chosen lives. They have taken the road less traveled. But the fact still remains, not all of us is Einstein or Zuckerberg. And since you've reached this point I believe that somehow you've submitted yourselves under the guidance of your Big Brothers - we, your teachers.

This graduation day marks the day of your departure to Big Brother's House, your school - your alma mater. As you leave don't forget those things that we've tried to impart to you - those are the basics for higher learning. As you leave this ground to quest for your own success always remember this anecdote I've learned from my Kuya.

Always consider yourself green, because green grows. If you consider yourself yellow or already ripe the next thing would be to rot.

We are not in the capacity to determine your success in life, neither what we've taught will determine your success. But one thing is for sure, with God's help, the first who would determine your own success whether it be the safest way of the road less traveled will be - YOU.

...and let me say this in a positive way.......

'You are now evicted from Big Brother's House!'


28 February 2012

MV Logos Hope: A Floating Library

MV Logos Hope

A few years back, there's this MV Doulos . It was the first time I've heard of a floating book fair that  was docked at Pier 15 in Manila. This was mentioned by my friends who were able to visit the place before it left the country.  I was surprised and my curiosity roused. I just kept it to myself, but I blame them for not informing me. 
MV Logos Hope in Manila

Location: Gate 1, Pier 15, South Harbor, Manila
Schedule: February 17 - March 13, 2012 [Tues-Sat 10:00AM to 9:30PM; Sun 1:30PM to 9:30PM]
Entrance Fee: Php 20.00

Then last week, according to the news on national television, another floating book fair is docked at the same spot. It's called MV Logos Hope. Based on my research, MV Doulos already retired and was replaced by this bigger ship. MV Logos Hope is manned by at least 400 volunteers from different countries including the Philippines.


In the near future, there could be a dramatic decline in the demand for printed books. With the observed development of new technologies and the proliferation of a number of softwares and applications that enables electronic books, our vision for a paperless society could be a 100 percent reality. 
View from MV Logos Hope

In the meantime, we must enjoy these printed treasures before they are considered extinct. 

*Special thanks to my proofreader.