
07 March 2014

4-day school to solve traffic???


My Dept. Head handed me a survey-questionnaire about the proposed 4-day class a week to solve traffic problems in Metro Manila.

And because of that, I've asked the opinion of my co-teachers present during that time in the faculty. We have different views - a lot of pros and cons were raised and it ignited a healthy discussion.

In my own opinion, as what I've written in the survey-questionnaire, and I quote;

We should not sacrifice the quality time of our Education just to solve traffic problem. I strongly believe that the Education sector should not be the one to suffer just to solve this problem. I believe that 5-day contact time is properly equated to the attention span of our students nowadays & increasing the duration per session to compensate for a 4-day class schedule will 'worsen' the quality of our education.

Although, some of our Education officials are still thinking about alternative delivery mode of instruction to compensate for the contact time lost, let's just hope that this will not put at risk the education of our students.