
18 June 2014

goodbye physics!

by JFreigh


Physics is everything around us!

09 June 2014

What is Open High School Program (OHSP)?

With the tagline, "Reaching the Unschooled Wherever and Whenever," Open High-School is one of the newest program of the Education Department to reach out most of our out-of-school youths.

This School Year I'm one of the fortunate teachers who were assigned to Open High School Program (OHSP). This is another teaching load aside from our regular classes. Based on the orientation for teachers, this year marks the 4th year of implementation of the said program in our school.

So what is OHSP?

Open High School Program or OHSP is an alternative mode of formal secondary education program run by the Bureau of Secondary Education (BSE) of the Department of Education (DepED) of the Republic of the Philippines. This program provides an opportunity for elementary school graduates, high school drop-outs and successful examinees of the Philippine Education Placement Test (PEPT) to complete secondary education in a purely distance learning mode. The program provides printed self-learning modules for students to use for their lessons and classroom activities.

Qualifications for students who wishes to avail of OHSP:
•     Filipino citizen
•     Independent learner
•     Have completed the pre-requisite grade or year level
•     Must pass the Independence Learning Readiness Test (ILRT) and the Informal Reading Inventory (IRI)

OHSP is available anytime. It is not dependent on the calendar of the regular school year. Student may start at their own time and at their own pacing, provided they complete their entire high education within a maximum period of six (6) years.

OHSP is intended for students who would otherwise be unable to pursue formal secondary education due the rigid requirement of regular class schedules. It is an alternative to attending regular classes but is not designed to be beneficial to all students. Most students may still learn best by attending the regular formal secondary education.

Bureau of Secondary of Education Website.