
19 July 2011

First Aliens on the Moon: A Great Leap for Mankind

July 20, 2011

If there were Lunar Inhabitants since then, they would be celebrating today the 42nd Anniversary of the First Alien Visit from Planet Earth. There might be some Lunar Activist that would go to their streets, shouting with placards;

"Moon is for us, not for humans!"
"Humans are not allowed here!"
"Stop human invasion!"
"Fight for our rights... protect our territory!"

ooooooo CUT! ooooooo This is so dramatic! Let's shift to another perspective! ooooooo

For centuries, space travel was just a dream ever since the man started to look above and wonder how vast the universe is. Nations raced to outer space by sending space probes for a detailed study of the universe. The age of space exploration began on October 4, 1957, when the Soviet Union launch the first artificial satellite - Sputnik I. It orbited the Earth in 90 minutes and stayed their for 6 months.

Luna 2 was the first successful space probe launched by USSR. It crashed on the moon on September 13, 1959. Since then, space probe have frequently visited every planet in the Solar System.

A dog named "Laika" was the first living creature in the outer space when USSR launched Sputnik 2 sometime in 1957. Laika spent a week in Earth's orbit.

Yuri Gagarin, a Russian cosmonaut, was the first manin space when he orbited the Earth on April 12, 1961.

July 16, 1969 when the 360-foot (110 meter) rocket, Saturn V launched Apollo 11 for the moon.

On July 20, 1969, Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong stood on the Moon's surface while the third crew member Michael Collins stayed on the spacecraft Command Module (CM).

To date, it was 4 decades and two years ago when the man landed on the moon. The man has gone too far in his quest for answers to his questions - including his search for possible life forms in the universe. But the fact is, the life forms that they are searching for can only be seen on a very unique planet made by a great Creator - only on Planet Earth.

So what if man walked on the moon today?

J. Freigh

Video Source:
Image Source: through Google Images

A repost from my old blogsite Jul 21, '09 4:51 AM for everyone

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