
18 December 2013

What is Project DAHON

Project DAHON: An Advocacy

What is Project DAHON?

Launched Date: 18 December 2013.

Project DAHON stands for Developing Awareness as Human Obligation to Nature. It is an advocacy aiming for a greater impact on the lifestyle of every energy consumer and carbon dioxide emitters.

Specifically this advocacy aims to;

1. develop functional awareness about energy efficiency and conservation
2. mold responsible energy consumer
3. promote effective and realistic solutions in mitigating the effects of climate change
4. adapt best practices in energy conservation

Our Commitment

The big word today is CLIMATE CHANGE... and we have to do something about it, before it's too late...

This project was conceptualized in response to the training conducted by the Center for Sustainable Human Development - Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP) in collaboration with the Department of Energy (DOE) and Department of Education (DepEd) held on Hotel Kimberly, Tagaytay City last November 28-30, 2013, entitled  Facilitators' Training on Energy Efficiency and Conservation: Usapang Climate Change. The teachers who attended the above-mentioned seminar will serve as the Advisers of the Committee.

Project DAHON is an environmental awareness campaign in which the main role players are high school students through the guidance of their Science Teachers (Advisers). The ultimate goal of the Project is to develop the value of environmental awareness to students at their young age. The academe is the best venue for this goal because of its multiplier effect. Every little act done for the environment counts and we must practice it for it to become a habit and eventually a way of life.

Project DAHON Committee works hand-in-hand with the existing Science Organizations in the School such as the Youth for Environment and School Organization (YES-O) and National Ecosavers Program (NEP). The success of the launching of Project DAHON becomes possible primarily because of the support of our School Head, Science Supervisor, Science Department Head, Science Teachers (PNHS-Main) and of course the warm acceptance of the students.

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Please follow us on Twitter @projdahon

Statement of Support

[Comments below are specifically allotted for Statement of Support]


  1. James

    The world is getting near to its end. The green earth we have is now getting polluted as people continuously live irresponsibly. But that end would be extended if we just learn how to recover our planet, to utilize our resources, by simple ways such as conserving energy everywhere we can do it. Project Dahon will be our guide in helping our environment to recover from its damages and for future purposes also. Furthermore, the true act will come from our very own little known ways. So act now like our world is running out of time and the only way to save it is by this Project Dahon.

  2. Larraine

    I personally believe that Project DAHON can be a start for a change. I will support Project DAHON by encouraging everyone especially this generation and the future generation to join this agenda in protecting our environment. I will share our advocacy to let them have knowledge on one of the big problems that we are experiencing right now. I know that this is a challenge for all of us, but the only way is to contribute even in our own little way because this could be very beneficial and could be a big help for all of us.

  3. Mary Jane
    As we all know, the planet we live in is getting worst. Man's lack of discipline in the use of resources leads to environmental problems such as pollution. As a solution, we can do simple ways starting with ourselves. We can help.ny conserving energy. We should let the Project Dahon to come to our lives to change the bad lifestyles we used to live with and lead us to a more clean and greener Earth.

  4. Patricia Elevazo

    Since our population is getting bigger, our technology develops, and we can see factories emit a lot of thick black smoke that damages our Ozone layer. In result, we are experiencing GLOBAL WARMING. Other people does not seem to care but I believe that we SERIOUSLY NEED TO ACT over this situation. The next generation will soon occupy this planet. They will suffer if we do not do anything. I believe this project DAHON is our chance to help our mother Earth. We may not be able to stop the abnormal climate, but by helping and supporting project DAHON we can minimize the effect of the abnormal climate and other natural calamities that are happening in our planet.

    Our time is running. WE MUST THINK AND ACT WISELY! :)

  5. All of us are aware of the drastic changes that are happening around us, primarily climate change. But is knowledge enough? Personally, I don’t think so.
    Our generation has been a major game player in global warming. We are one of the biggest contributors to the things that led to this phenomenon. To think that we can redeem ourselves from these mistakes is very relieving. We then, must not waste a single second in putting up our own efforts to turn our environment back to what it was before; A healthy and stable sphere. Such as conserving energy, that we think is a very small thing that can’t make a noticeable change. But, we must keep in mind that one little thing done by someone can throw out roots in all directions. Roots that can spring up and make new trees.
    It’s time for us to show our Mother Earth that we care for her. It’s time for us to repay the things she gave and is constantly giving us. It’s time for us to come to our senses, make a stand, and act. NOW.

  6. Analynn Buguina

    Environmental pollution is the biggest menace to the human race on this planet today.It is true that trees are being cut down rapidly. Our earth is becoming warmer. If pollution continues, I don't think that our planet will lasts forever.
    It's a good thing to hear that, we students can make a change or a thing to prevent this happening in our world. We are facing a serious problem today and having this project will be such a great contributor to prevent those things. Project DAHON, Our school had this advocacy not for us to LEARN ONLY of how we can help and how we can prevent this. But, it also TEACHES us how to ACT and how to be AWARE to the things we are experiencing right now. As a student, having this mind set would not only contribute in to our stock knowledge but it will also remind us what we did to save our planet earth :) - Less Pollution, best solution.

  7. Technological advancements, water and land pollution and increased burning of fossil fuels are the leading reasons for accumulation of carbon compounds in the atmosphere. To let the next generation experience the wealth we have experienced and experiencing, it is very important to take actions to combat global warming. I, as a student, can really make a difference. This difference can be made with Project DAHON. This advocacy will help us to have obligations in our environment and having awareness to everything that's happening here on Earth. The time has come for us to repay everything the Earth is giving us. WE HAVE TO ACT BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE.

  8. We are all aware about the things happen in our environment. We could see the flaws and the destructions we made in our environment but most of the people are just looking at them and not doing anything to recover and to embellish it. And that is not the role of being a person to his environment. We need to act for the beauty and cleanliness of our earth. The changes will happen on the first step of your action and this will be a big help for our mother earth so let us contribute and support this Project DAHON for its advocacy.

    I believe that "The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The second best time is NOW. And He who plants a tree, Plants a hope."

    We are aware... and we act!
    -- "Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is a process; working together is success."

  9. The whole world is now in big harm and they need our help. The advancement of technology, the consecutive destruction of our nature and climate change are just some of its reasons. Our role as youths of this generation is to help maintain our environment in a stable manner and together we can achieve this by Project DAHON. Let's all work hand in hand because any little effort you'll put in this will make a very big change to our environment. Together, let's do something good for our nature and take away all the bad habits that we enjoy doing which does nothing but destroy our Mother Earth. YOU can make a change, start now or you might regret it in the end.

  10. For years and years, we all have been talking about how the world is changing and how we, as humans fills the biggest spot on making this changes happen. As we talk, we learn more and know more. For a creature as intelligent as us, whenever we are asked about "what can we do to save what is left for us?" "What can we do to preserve God's gifts to us?" "What can we do to show other people we care?" "What can do or say that can show others that we are aware?" "What can we do to stop or at least lessen Climate Change?" "What can do to save Mother Earth?" , we answer in a very, very nice way. An answer that can certainly win the title of Miss Universe, an answer that seems like were thoroughly thought of. If not in words, we have done so many things to express what we think. We've made numerous songs, dedicated some contests for the cause : art contests, cyber contests and such. We state our claims and stands like a government official whose so loyal in serving his own country. But really, DO YOU THINK ITS ENOUGH? Of course not. The thing is , We talk but all for the sake of recitation, we plan but all for the sake of praises from others. It has always been an all think but no action. But I guess , we can still change it and what better way and time to start our advocacy than today and through PROJECT DAHON!
    It certainly is the time to put our talks, our plans, our brilliant minds into action! And we can all start by supporting Project Dahon! :D


  11. Ariane Adriano

    We all know that our Mother Earth is suffering from different problems. And one of these problems is the Climate Change. We can do a lot of things to help and find solutions on these problems. By simply conserving electricity is really a big help. No act is too small as long as you help. So come and join this project for the sake of our Mother Earth. Support Project Dahon! =))


  12. Nelcie Aytin

    "Climate change" "Globa warming" "Pollution" We always hear these statements at news, schools and wherever. We are aware that we are facing a big problem right now. We knew how to avoid and solve this problem. We have the ability to do what is right and good for our planet. But, are we doing our part to save our world? We aren't. We are just good in answering how to solve this and that but we are not doing it. I strongly believe that we can still do something to save our planet. Not by just encouraging and convincing everyone to do something but by starting do it ourselves. Simple ways but big difference. We can make a change. Look around you. You can start the change by conserving electricity! Keep calm and support Project DAHON. Save our Mother Earth.


  13. We are facing a lot of environmental problems today. We are also the cause of these problems. We are aware of the things happening around us, but are you willing to solve these problems? This is the chance to take part of our very special advocacy which started from our teachers who taught us to know and act against climate change and how to cure the DEADLY DISEASES of MOTHER EARTH. This may be a simple step, BUT this is the start of a journey of a thousand, and even a million, miles to a GREENER and HEALTHIER world. Be conscious about your electrical, and water bills. Sooner or later, you will not receive any bills because there is nothing to be paid. This journey will help you in the process. You're saving money and also saving mother earth. Instead of playing computer games, why not try playing with your family or friends? We only have one planet. Don't waste your time surfing the internet finding an "earth-like planet". Why not find a way to prevent your OWN HOME from destruction and apply it to yourself? All together, we will be able to make a VERY GREAT DIFFERENCE.



  14. Josh (Four)

    We are now experiencing numerous abnormal changes around the globe. We, humans, are affected by these changes from time to time. As our responsibilities and obligations to take good care of Mother Earth is slimming down, Project DAHON is a great way to start again in preserving and conserving our environment. From now on, this advocacy is will be teaching each and every one of us about the right way of taking care Mother Earth and the steps we need to follow to do it properly. Project DAHON will sure leave an idea in every people's mind that will always remind them about our world that is getting nearer to its end.

    There are 3 reminders that we always need to remember and these are; 1. We must be HONEST about the mistakes and accidents that we did to the Earth so that we'll learn the different effects of our wrongdoings. 2. We must be ERUDITE enough to think if we are doing something that will lead to destruction or not of our world. 3. We must be DAUNTLESS enough to take action on the problems we are now experiencing. We must not be ashamed that we are doing things that can help Mother Earth because we are only doing our responsibilities and obligations here on Earth. Let us be the man of refreshing candor about the things that surround us.

    Let's team up mga Ka-DAHON :)


  15. Yes. We are aware of what's happening to our Mother Earth. As time goes by, more and more problems are being observed. Who is to blame?

    It's easy to say that we should take care of our environment. Avoid pollution, do the 3R's, conserve water, conserve electricity, etc. But the problem there is, we are just full of talks. We don't act.

    Project DAHON, Developing Awareness as Human Obligation to Nature, aims to develop practices that would be such a great help to save our Mother Earth, especially by conserving energy and by reducing carbon dioxide in our planet.

    Let's take care of what God has given us. Let's be responsible. If we really want to help, we will always find a way. Don't act like you don't care. :) We can do this! Let's start now. :)

  16. "save mother earth" we usually hear this quote but are we doing this? Yes, we are aware of the problems of the world but why are we acting like a dog or something. Why are we keeping acting like you dont care? huh!! I know that its easy to say and difficult to do but please do your part to the earth. God gave this to use, for us to live. Why we are destroying it? please do some actions.

    Project DAHON is a group that aims to develop your mid that would keep our earth from breathing. YOu can star in your own home because you can't do it to the environment if in your own house you cant do it. Start conserving electricty and maintain the cleanliness of the environment.

    Lets start now.. Let's take care what GOD has given to us. Lets do our part in this world, ou own responsibility :)))

  17. As years passed by, the effects of global warming is getting worst. We know and we are aware of what is really happening today but we instead of making a move we tend to continue doing wrong despite of knowing what is right.

    It is so easy to plan and say how will you contribute to the Earth but we know to ourselves that we didn't do some actions.

    PROJECT DAHON is concerned about how we can conserve energy. Gadgets and newly made technologies were powered by electricity. We should be responsible of using it and not to abuse it.

    GOD created the world perfectly, we should conserve and take care of it to let the next generation experience how beautiful the world is. CHANGE must start on ourselves. Let's support Project Dahon. Act like we do care.

    LETS DO IT!! :D


  18. Have you experienced the hassle of brownout? By going to school withoutyour uniform being ironed? Or walking the street with so much pollution? Have you ask yourself why is this happening?
    These are all the effects of what we did. Our greediness leads us here. Our nature has been abused. But we can still do something. That’s why as a student, as a concerned citizen, i am giving my full support to #projectDAHON. I am reminding each individual that we have an obligation. A responsibility to take care of what God has given us. His creation that we should protect not destroy. That’s why by acting now, i know we can still save her and dream of a better world in the near future.


  19. The only permanent thing in the world is change but is it intended for the improvement of this world? Our Mother Earth faces changes; do you think those changes made her better? She is facing serious problems because of us, because of what we've done, because we have ignored the outcomes of our actions. We still have time. We still have ability to restore and retain its old beauty.
    You must be aware. You must act. You must do your part.
    Here at Project DAHON, we want every person, specially the youth, to be aware of the status of our environment. We aim to teach simple ways which can make a big difference for our environment. We encourage everyone to make a change, a change for the better.

    Don't waste time on what could have been. You still have time. Be responsible. Do your part. Make some change.

