
24 October 2016

SCIENCE 10 Curriculum Guide (August 2016)

SCIENCE 10 Curriculum Guide (August 2016)

1st Quarter - Earth & Space (Earth Science)
2nd Quarter - Force, Motion & Energy (Physics)
3rd Quarter - Living Things and Their Environment (Biology)
4th Quarter - Matter (Chemistry)

SCIENCE 10 Curriculum Guide - DOWNLOAD HERE

K to 12 Science Curriculum Guide (August 2016)

SCIENCE 9 Curriculum Guide (August 2016)

SCIENCE 9 Curriculum Guide (August 2016)

1st Quarter - Living Things and their Environment (Biology)
2nd Quarter - Matter (Chemistry)
3rd Quarter - Earth & Space (Earth Science)
4th Quarter - Force, Motion & Energy (Physics)

SCIENCE 9 Curriculum Guide - DOWNLOAD HERE

K to 12 Science Curriculum Guide (August 2016)

SCIENCE 8 Curriculum Guide (August 2016)

SCIENCE 8 Curriculum Guide (August 2016)

1st Quarter - Force, Motion & Energy (Physics)
2nd Quarter - Earth & Space (Earth Science)
3rd Quarter - Matter (Chemistry)
4th Quarter - Living Things and their Environment (Biology)

SCIENCE 8 Curriculum Guide - DOWNLOAD HERE

K to 12 Science Curriculum Guide (August 2016)

SCIENCE 7 Curriculum Guide (August 2016)

SCIENCE 7 Curriculum Guide (August 2016)

1st Quarter - Matter (Chemistry)
2nd Quarter - Living Things and their Environment (Biology)
3rd Quarter - Force, Motion & Energy (Physics)
4th Quarter - Earth & Space (Earth Science)

SCIENCE 7 Curriculum Guide - DOWNLOAD HERE

K to 12 Science Curriculum Guide (August 2016)

23 October 2016

How to Prepare the DLL

(As stated on DepEd Order no. 42, s.2015 Enclosure pp. 11-12 of 16)

Edited: June 10, 2017 (inclusion of Specific (Daily) Objectives after I.C. Learning Competencies/Objectives (L.C. Code)
DLL Template page 1/2

This part of the DLL includes objectives related to content knowledge and competencies. According to Airasian (1994), lesson objectives describe the “kinds of content knowledge and processes teachers hope their students will learn from instruction (p.48).” The lesson objectives describe the behavior or performance teachers want learners to exhibit in order to consider them competent. The objectives state what the teacher intends to teach and serve as a guide for instruction and assessment. The content standards refer to the learning area-based facts, concepts, and procedures that students need to learn, while the competencies pertain to the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that students need to demonstrate in a lesson. The competency codes are also logged in this part of the DLL.

The topic or subject matter pertains to the particular content that the lesson focuses on.

Learning Resources:
This part of the DLL asks teachers to log the references and other learning resources that the teacher will use for the lesson. The references include the particular pages of the TG, LM, textbook, and the additional materials from the LRMDS portal. The other learning resources refer to materials such as those that are teacher-made, authentic, and others not included in the references. This part of the DLL can also include the supplies, equipment, tools and other non-print materials needed for activities before, during, and after the lesson.

This part of the DLL contains ten (10) parts including:

a) reviewing previous lesson/s or presenting the new lesson. This part connects the lesson with learners’ prior knowledge. It explicitly teaches the learners how the new lesson connects to previous lessons. It also reviews and presents new lessons in a systematic manner; 

b) establishing a purpose for the lesson will motivate the learner to learn the new lesson. It encourages them to ask questions about the new topic and helps establish a reason for learning the new lesson;

c) presenting examples/instances of the new shows instances of the content and competencies. This is also where the concepts are clarified;

d) discussing new concepts leads to the first formative assessment. Teachers shall prepare good questions for this part. The teacher will listen to the answers of learners to gauge if they understood the lesson. If not, then they re-teach. If the learners have understood the lesson, the teacher shall proceed to deepening the lesson;
DLL Template p2/2

e) continuation of the discussion of new concepts leading to the second formative assessment that deepens the lesson and shows learners new ways of applying learning. The teacher can use pair, group, and team work to help learners discuss the lesson among themselves. The learners can present their work to the class and this serves as the teacher’s way of assessing if the concepts are solidifying and if their skills are developing;

f) developing mastery, which leads to the third formative assessment, can be done through more individual work activities such as writing, creative ways of representing learning, dramatizing, etc. The teacher shall ask learners to demonstrate their learning through assessable activities such as quizzes, worksheets, seat work, and games. When the students demonstrate learning, then proceed to the next step. The teacher can add activities as needed until formative assessment shows that the learners are confident in their knowledge and competencies;

g) finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living which can develop appreciation and valuing for students’ learning by bridging the lesson to daily living. This will also establish relevance in the lesson;

h) making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson will conclude the lesson by asking learners good questions that will help them crystallize their learning so they can declare knowledge and demonstrate their skills;

 i) evaluating learning is a way of assessing the learners and whether the learning objectives have been met. Evaluation should tap into the three types of objectives; and

 j) additional activities for application or remediation will be based on the formative assessments and will provide children with enrichment or remedial activities. The teacher should provide extra time for additional teaching activities to those learners demonstrating that they have difficulties with the lesson.

Flexibility is allowed in the delivery of the DLL procedures. Teachers do not need to go through all ten (10) parts in every lesson. Teachers need to ensure that the procedures of the lesson lead to the achievement of the stated objectives. The formative assessment methods to be used by the teacher should determine if the objectives of the lesson are being met. These ten parts should be done across the week.

This is a part of the DLL in which teachers shall indicate special cases including but not limited to continuation of lesson plan to the following day in case of re-teaching or lack of time, transfer of lesson to the following day in cases of class suspension, etc.


This part of the DLL requires teachers to reflect on and assess their effectiveness. In this part of the DLL, the teacher should make notes on the number of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation, the number of learners who require additional activities for remediation and those who continue to require remediation, the effectiveness of the remedial lesson, the teaching strategies or methods that worked well and why, and the difficulties teachers encountered that their principal or supervisor can help solve.

Enclosure of DepEd Order No. 42, s.2015. Policy Guidelines on Daily Lesson Preparation for the K to 12 Basic Education Program, pp 11-12 of 16.



15 August 2016

Quipper School Student's Guide

A. For first time users, visit
Fill in the required information like First name, Last name, Email, Username and Password.

Note: Memorize your Username and Password. You will be using these info whenever you want to access the site.

Click "Create account"

 Enter the Class Code that was given to you by your teacher. This will direct you to your class group.

The click "join a new class"

 You will be directed to your class group. Check if you have an Assignment. 

Click the link.
Click the Play Button and you will be directed to the Assigned Lesson. In this screenshot, the lesson is about "Parts of a Simple Circuit"

 After the lesson, you may now take a short Quiz.

  For correct answer, you will see a check mark.
  For wrong answer, there will be an explanation provided.

  After answering the last question, Click "Finish quiz"

Your score will appear on the screen, as well as whether you got it right or wrong per item. You may either click, "Try again" to repeat the quiz until you have mastered all the questions or "Back to classroom" to go back to the lesson.

B. For those who already have an account at quipper, visit
Enter your Username or email and Password.

Then click, "Log in"

 Enter the Class Code that was given to you by your teacher.

Then click, "join new class".
You will be directed to your Class Group.

Quipper School (

25 July 2016

Jaytee's Personal Insight

(Photo Courtesy of the rightful owner)

Sometimes the better possibilities that lie ahead our way is lost because we are blinded by our desire to have what someone else has.

-jaytee's personal insight

(Photo Courtesy of the rightful owner)

03 June 2016

Citing Social Media Literature as Reference


Source: TeachBytes
Don't know how to cite your Reference?
Visit Citation Machine site. It automatically generates citations in MLA, APA, etc...

Rao, A. (2013, April 9). How to Cite Social Media: MLA & APA Formats. Retrieved from

25 April 2016


Two weeks from now we will be exercising our constitutional right to VOTE.

As a teacher, once more I will serve as one of the BEIs in our locality, HOPING that after Election, we will work with our elected President and officials to combat our problems as a nation. I want to convince myself that the Philippines is already politically mature believing that our eminent problems will not end by just choosing our presidential bet and leave all the problems to him/her. This is not the usual superhero movies or series that we watch, our VOTE is not the SOLUTION, it is just a start of a better future and I believe that we, again that is WE, that must work harder for the better future that we wish for.

I wish that this will not be the last time that I will participate to ensure orderly, honest, peaceful and meaningful elections.

May the Good Lord Bless the Philippines!


20 April 2016

New Assessment and It's Transmutation Table (D.O. No. 8 s.2015)

(Repost from DepEd Official E-Class Record (K to 12 Grading System) Help Desk Facebook Group)

DepEd Order No. 8, series of 2015

True that this DepEd Order has a few imperfections noticeable, but mainly within the promotion, retaining, and ranking procedures alone. But to be fair, the assessment guidelines are clearly stated based on theories and principles. In order to actualize the Zone of Proximal Development, one must conduct religiously the assessment procedures coming from the original standards based assessments of (1) Diagnostic, (2) Formative and (3) Summative Assessments. DepEd Order 8 though used two terms alone where Diagnostic and Formative Assessments are treated as one. This is in order to avoid confusion that Diagnostic Assessments are to be treated as baseline pre-tests alone when in fact in should be done as frequently as it should. Every time the teacher conducts a lesson, an indirect method of diagnostic assessment should accompany it, such that the result of the said assessment directs or redirects the planned lesson towards the actuality of the objective(s). This redirection or direction would include the Formative Assessment procedure. Each lesson uses these methods of Diagnostic and Formative Assessments where the results should be tallied, studied and researched. If the results entails positive outcomes, teachers may now conduct the Summative Assessment of the said unit or chapter of the lesson. If the results of the two prior assessments are negative, this would be the key point of the remedial sessions which are also included in our Individual Class Programs. In other words, if teachers have garnered more than 75% functional literacy of the said competencies within that period/unit/chapter, then they may conduct their Summative Assessments which is recorded in the ECR. The remaining 25% are the students subject for Remedial Sessions in order to cope up with the lacked skills and competencies. The results of the Summative Assessment which were recorded are again studied in order to identify if the said 75% student population did pass the Summative Assessment. If the results are below the said range, all students below it are also subject for Remedial Classes.

In the light of these procedures, it is - theoretically - impossible not to garner a percentile population of passing students below 75% since the Summative Assessment was conducted via the justification of the Formative Assessment results. Neither is it allowed to alter the students' raw scores after the remedial, but they are to cope up - which is the objective of the remedial sessions - in order for them to pass the next Summative Assessment. These process is used over and over until the student will be able to achieve, learn and show the said learning skills and competencies. Grades are merely numbers, the goal of DepEd is to produce Functional Literate Filipinos equipped for the 21st Century Advocacies.


As I have explained in other threads and discussions, is a mathematical result justified by statistical tools such as frequency of distribution using the condition of two groups (1) Pass and (2) Fail.

*First Consideration*
Since the lowest possible grade a student could have in his/her Report Card is 60, this value is to be considered as the midpoint of all Initial Grades. This is very important to note because 60 as the Lowest Possible Grade after Transmutation is the Lowest Passing Grade within the Table. This would mean, an Initial Grade of 60 is equal to 75 in the Transmutation.

*Second Consideration*
In Transmuting Grades, 100 is to be transmuted equal to itself. Therefore, 100 = 100. This is both Highest Possible Initial Grade and Highest Possible Transmuted Grade. But because 100 is 100, there is no transmutation that occurred in the first place, because when we say "transmutation" it should mean that the Initial Grade is equal to value that is also equal to other initial grades. 100 as an initial grade does not have this condition. Thus, all values less than 100 starting from 99.99 down to the lowest passible passing initial grade of 60.00 is the range of the first condition i.e. Passing Grades. And all grades below 60.00 starting from 59.99 down to 0 is the range for the second condition i.e. Failing Grades.

*Frequency of Distribution*
From 99 down to 75, the number of units inside the transmutation table, we have N=25. As explain in the First Consideration above, 100 is not part of the Transmutation Procedure since it is equal to itself. So we have 25 units under the range of 99.99 to 60. We should now distribute this 25 units within the said range using the formula of HPS of the passing range divided by the LPS of the passing range divided by the said units. We now have (99.99-60.00)/25 = the range distribution for each unit of transmutation. The result is 1.5996 to be exact. But because statistically speaking, we use a marginal of error of .05, we can use the exact two decimal places of the said value without rounding off. The result would be 1.59 which is now the range of each unit. Thus we have, 99.99-1.59=98.40 and this is the first unit inside the transmutation table, that 98.40 going to 99.99 initial grade is equal to 99 as a whole number in the Transmuted Grade. You will repeat the same process until you reach 60.00 which is the Lowest Possible Initial Grade of Passing Condition.

The same procedure is used in the Second Condition which is the Failing Grade Category. The Highest Possible Failing Grade of 59.99 and the Lowest Possible zfailing Grade of 0 are used to determine the range from the units of the transmuted failing grade highest possible score of 74 down to the lowest possible score in the report card of 60. So we count the number of units from 74 to 60 which is equal to 15 = N. The same method, (HPS-LPS)/N is (59.99-0)/15 = 3.9993333. Taking the two decimal account as above, we have 59.99-3.99=56. This is the first unit of our Highest
Possible Failing Grade in the transmutation, such that 56 to 59.99 = 74. Repeating the same process is done all through out the initial grade of 0.

Clearly, what I am trying to explain, once and for all, is that the transmutation grade is justifiable mathematically. And statistical tools were used in order to meet the desired results. This is not just because "trip lang talaga ng deped na ganun ang transmutation basta ba't mayroon lang mailagay". Ever since early 2000's, we have been using zero based system, and until now, we still are. This can be seen from the results of the initial grades. And DepEd tried to raise the numerical value of these zero based system using Justified Statistical Method, and the result is DepEd Order 8's Transmutation Table.

Those who question this should have scientific and statistical research analysis data to justify their claim. Especially those who say "WE WILL ALTER OR MODIFY THE TRANSMUTATION TABLE" either because it is so high or low. DepEd Order 8 is a result of a research study, not just a mere imagination or whatever. Teachers who disclaim, criticize and speak negatively of this transmutation table should ask themselves first "Am I credible enough to use other statistical transmutation?". Even if you claim to say you've been with teaching and/or in DepEd for 20 or so years, learn first what you're talking about. This is not a matter of whim and opinion. Teaching is a scientific process using scientific tools based on scientific studies.

So please, reflect first and know where we should be standing.

Sir Wedz 8/18/15

Wedzmer Briz Munjilul. DepEd Official E-Class Record (K to 12 Grading System) Help Desk Facebook Group. (Retrieved, 20.April.2016)

17 March 2016

Moving Up and Moving On... [Sir Jaytee's Message]

Moving-Up? Yan ba yung dating Graduation? Ito ang pangkaraniwang tanong ng mga 1st batch Junior High na magmo-Moving Up ngayon.

Image Courtesy: This image belongs to the rightful owner 
and is not owned by the blogger.
Hindi ko alam. Iniisip ko rin kung ano ang pagkakaiba. May naririning na akong Moving Up Ceremony sa Kinder pero dahil nakasanayan na natin sa 4th year High ang Graduation, medyo nakakapanibago. Naisip ko nga minsan na dahil hindi na Graduation ang tawag, baka palitan na rin ang Graduation March ng "I like to move it, move it....."

Ayokong palampasin ang unang batch na ito na wala akong iiwanang mensahe. Pero dahil may diversity of learners tayo sa klasrum, specific ang mensahe ko sa inyo.

Kay Fanatic
Natutuwa ako at may estudyante akong gaya mo na attentive na nakikinig sa mga sinasabi at pinapaliwanag ko. Isa ka sa mga dahilan kung bakit gusto ko pa magturo. Namo-motivate ako sa mga side comments mong, "Ah, yun pala yun...", "Ang galing naman!". Minsan nga pakiramdam ko, gusto mo pa mag-standing ovation. Naniniwala ako na talagang naiintindihan mo ang lesson (sana). At dahil ayoko madisappoint ang sarili ko, iniiwasan kitang tawagin sa recitation, baka mamaya di mo masagot ang tanong ko at magbago pa ang tingin ko sayo. Iniisip kong magtatagumpay ka balang araw. magaling ka sa pakikisama at ayaw mong nakakasama ka ng loob ng iba.

Kay GC-Mode
Pinakamahalaga sayo ang pag-aaral kaysa sa ibang bagay. Minsan nga pati kaibigan mo nakakagalit mo sa sobrang ka-GC-han mo. Isa ka rin sa mga asset ko sa klase dahil ikaw ang batayan ko na naiintindihan ang lesson natin. Naniniwala akong malinaw sayo ang goal mo sa buhay at lagi kang nasa focus. Gusto ko yung seryoso mong pag-jot down ng notes habang nagdi-discuss ako. Pakiramdam ko, pati mga paliwanang ko sinusulat mo din gaya ng isang stenographer. Naniniwala pa rin ako sa maliwanag na kinabukasan dahil sa yo.

Kay Madlang People

Alam mo, di ko alam kong ayaw mo ba sa akin or gusto mo lang low profile ka. Sa katunayan, matatapos na ang School Year di ko parin matandaan ang pangalan mo. Siguro naiintindihan mo naman ang lesson pero ayaw mo lang maging bida-bida gaya ni Fanatic kaya tahimik ka lang. Hindi ka rin nakakatingin ng deretso kasi gusto mo nakikinig ka lang at ayaw mo na matawag sa recitation. Marunong kang sumunod at mas gusto mo na ako ang nasa harap kaysa kayo ang nasa harap ng klase.

Kay Panic Button

Gusto kong ulit-ulitin sayo na "Cool ka lang, kaya mo yan!" Kaya lang pag sinasabi ko ang oras bigla-bigla ka nalang nagpa-panic. Lalong hindi mo matatapos ang ginagawa mo sa kakapanic mo. Sa kabilang banda natutuwa ako dahil pinapahalagahan mo at binibigyang atensyon ang pinapagawa ko. Wag kang mag-alala, pagdating na araw marerealize mo ang halaga ng mga naituro ko sa iyo.

Kay Cool Guy
Hindi ko alam pero gusto ko nang maniwala na nung nagsabog ang langit ng oras sa mundo, ang nasalo naming lahat ay 24 hours pero sayo ay 26 hours. Hindi kita nakitaan ng sense of urgency kahit sinabi kong deadline na ng project nyu. Narinig mo na ang bell pero naglalakad ka pa rin na parang turista. Kailangan ko pang tumakbo at ipakita sa'yo na nagmamadali akong pumasok para magmadali ka din. Naniniwala ka sa 'Mind over Matter' kaya naman di ka affected ng stress.

Kay Peymus
Sikat ka sa campus lalo na sa FB. Kilala ka ng mga kabatch mo at kilala ka rin ng mga lower batch sayo. Dahil sa kasikatan mo, isa kang magandang role model. Gusto kang gayahin ng mga tumatawag sa'yo nang 'Ate' o 'Kuya'. Peymus ka dahil may posisyon ka sa isang organization sa school o lagi kang nananalo sa contest o dahil feeling artista ka dahil alam mong maganda o pogi ka. Natutuwa ako dahil alam mo pano dalhin ang sarili mo na nakatapak pa rin ang paa mo sa lupa. Naniniwala akong maraming mabuting katangian na pwedeng gayahin sayo bilang isang role model. Malamang ay naging inspirasyon ka rin ng ilan sa mga nakapaligid sa iyo.

Kay Ligaya
Madaling matuto sa masayang klase, diba? Minsan dahil sa mga komplikadong lesson nagiging seryoso tayo pero dahil sayo at sa mga nasa timing na mga jokes mo, lalong nagiging masaya ang klase. Parang kulang ang araw na di ka maririning ng klase. Kinalimutan ko na yung mga pagkakataong wala sa timing ang mga Jokes mo... 

Kay Pabebebebebebe
Bakit ganun, di naman tayo nag PE pero pagkatapos ng discussion, routine mo na ang pagtingin sa maliit mong salamin at paglalagay ng powder sa mukha mo? Siguro conscious ka lang sa mukha mo. Mas maganda sana kung ga'no ka kadalas mag-powder o tumingin sa salamin, ganun ka rin kadalas magrecite at magparticipate sa klase. Wag ka mag-alala, di mo naman kailangang i-check lagi ang mukha mo sa salamin dahil kung ano ang hugis at itsura nyan nung umalis ka sa bahay nyu eh ganun pa rin naman yan habang nagkaklase tayo. Siguro masyado ka lang over protective sa mga bagay na pinahahalagahan mo. 

Kay Hashtag
Hindi ka gaya ng mga artista na nagtatago sa press para maenjoy ang pribadong buhay nila... dahil isa kang bukas na aklat sa mga nakapaligid sa'yo. Konting galaw, nakapost na agad sa FB... 'Eating atm', 'sitting atm', 'walking atm', 'Sleeping atm', Pati feelings mo nakapost na rin sa FB... 'Feeling irritated', 'feeling alone', 'feeling loved', 'feeling maganda', 'feeling lonely'. Sa kabilang banda okay din dahil mindful ka sa mga nangyayari sa sarili mo pero mas maganda sana kung binabalanse mo yan sa privacy at security mo. Ang FB ay gaya ng Quiapo - malawak at madaming tao na nakamasid, na karamihan di mo kilala at di mo alam kung ano ang nasa isip.

Kay Bebeluv
Hindi ako kontrabida sa love story mo pero kung napapansin mo nire-remind kita lagi sa mga dapat mong i-prioritize sa buhay dahil bata ka pa. Lagi kong tinatanong sayo kung legal ba kayo o kung alam ba yan ng mga magulang ninyo. Okay naman na may inspirasyon ka sa pag-aaral mo, iba syempre ang pakiramdam ng nagmamahal Ayieeee... Naniniwala ka sa #mayforever pero pwede pang magbago ang lahat lalo na pag nasa kolehiyo ka na. Too much of everything is too much(???), iba pa rin pag marunong kang bumalanse.

Image Courtesy: This image belongs to the rightful owner 
and is not owned by the blogger.
Sa totoong buhay ang mga nabanggit ko sa itaas ay di talaga nage-exist as is. Ang pagkatao ninyo ay hindi ko kilala at maari ko lang i-describe kung ano ang nakita ko o naramdaman ko. Maaaring kombinasyon kayo ng dalawa o higit pa sa mga nabanggit ko. Gusto kong maintindihan nyo na pwede kayong mabuhay ng iba sa pagkakakilala ng iba. Wag nyung ikahon ang sarili nyo na ganito o ganyan ka, dahil yan ang pagkakakilala nila sa'yo. Napakaraming posibilidad na nasa inyo. Try to make a difference

Image Courtesy: This image belongs to the rightful owner 
and is not owned by the blogger.

Nasa inyo ang potensyal na maging successful sa buhay. Ang totoo, lahat ng pinagdaanan nyu, mapapositibo man o negatibo, masaya man o malungkot, parte pa rin yan ng pagkatuto mo. Dapat malinaw sa isip mo ang goal mo sa buhay. Anuman ang masalunga mo dapat focus ka sa tinatanaw mong goal. Mas masarap na makamit ang pangarap mo dahil alam mong pinaghirapan mo yun. 

Image Courtesy: This image belongs to the rightful owner 
and is not owned by the blogger.

Naging student din ako at  sa paniniwala ko, hanggang ngaun student pa rin ako. Sa halos 10 months na puro pagod dahil sa mga assignments, tests, practices, projects, school requirements, dagdag mo pa ang Research - nakakapagod to the 23rd power! Mahirap, minsan pati parents naten hindi tayo naiintindihan. Sa bahay nagagalit sila kasi halos wala na tayong maitulong dahil halos maubos na ang buhay natin sa harap ng computer. Tapos minsan pag ginagabi ng uwi, nagagalit din eh sinasabi mo naman na galing ka sa practice, na hinaluan ng konting gala at date (xempre secret na un hehehehe). Pag maaga ka naman umuwi nagagalit din, baka daw nag cutting classes ka. Pero kahit minsan hindi tayo nila maintindihan, luv natin sila, dahil hindi sila nagsasawang bigyan tayo ng baon. Well, seriously, we love them kasi ramdam naten na they love and care for us. Sa mga PARENTS, THANK YOU PO sa inyo!

 Sa mga naging titser ninyo, may mga pagkakataong sumasama ang loob nyu sa kanila dahil nahuli kayong nangopya, maingay, mahaba ang buhok (sa lalaki), natutulog sa klase, etc. etc. pero may dahilan kayo bakit ganun. Hindi ninyo masabe dahil minsan nauna nang nagalit... pero alam naten na limited din ang capacity nila, marahil expert sila sa lessons ninyo, pero the fact still remains na hindi nila alam ang buong detalye ng buhay ninyo. Naging part sila ng development ninyo at nagmamalasakit sila para sa inyo. THANK YOU PO MA'AM AT SIR!

          Sa loob ng sampung buwan, hindi mo alam kung makakasurvive ka. Andaming mga hadlang. Ang mahalaga ay hindi kayo sumuko o umatras sa laban. Minsan bumabagsak, pero nagsisikap na makabawi at makabangon para matapos ang laban. Ngaun? Alam na naten na nakasurvive kayo! After all those tests and hindrances, at last you are now completers! Gaya ng isang bida sa pelikula na nagpapabugbog muna pero sa huli siya parin ang bida at hindi nawawalan ng source ng lakas at determination. We acknowledge the source of everything in us... Alam naten na WE DIDN'T DO IT IN OUR OWN WAY! Sa lahat ng bagay, THANKS BE TO GOD!
          Gaya rin ng Diwata I, na kauna-unahang satellite ng Pilipinas na ipinadala sa outer space na pinondohan ng gobyerno dahil sa tinatayang malaking ambag nito sa weather forecasting at iba pang aspeto na katulad nito... Kayo rin ang kauna-unahang batch ng Junior High School na sasabak sa SHS. Kayo ang magiging bunga ng bagong curriculum at nasa inyo ang lahat ng potensyal upang makamit ang mga pangarap ninyo. Isa itong malaking hamon sa pagharap ninyo sa inyong kinabukasan.

          To all my students, I thank God for giving me an opportunity to be a part of your life. I will surely miss you guys!

          Congratulations to the 1st Batch of Junior High School Completers!

Dedicated to 1,963 Junior High School Completers of PNHS-Main specially to #jepoybabies #X2Catanians #X5paraSaEkonomiya #XASiklab & #XB on March 29, 2016, 7:00 AM @ PNHS-Main Quadrangle.